Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Garden Update--5/25/2015

I spent almost 7 1/2 hours in the garden yesterday. Please excuse the delay in post--as I was extremely tired.  The only things on my mind were food, a hot shower, and a cold glass of water.  Here is my work from yesterday:

I created four beds yesterday.  These are two that have been created, but haven't been used yet.  The one on the left, I planned on planting lettuce and onions. The one on the right, I planned on planting dry beans, rosemary, and petunias (or nasturtiums)

Here are three tomato plants which, unfortunately, I bought.  I'd prefer to start my own, but I just thought of another experiment.  I will plant a seed in the ground--the same kind as the plant, and do a comparison in growth.  I will give you updates on this experiment.

Here is another experiment.  In this bed, I planted black beans. Usually, I would spend at least $2-$3 on a packet of black beans seeds from a seed catalog, but since I'm trying to save money, I bought a bag of black beans from The Dollar Tree for, you guessed it...ONE DOLLAR.  I heard somewhere that beans used for the purposes for cooking might not be as good for germination purposes. That being said, I sown the beans literally on top of each other, and will thin, if needed.  I am anxious to see if these will germinate.  Details to follow should things progress.

I also watered the tomatoes, black beans, green beans, sweet potatoes, and kale.  I am planning on going to the garden after work today.  So, until then....think thrifty!



  1. Did you try a germination test?

    1. No, I didn't. I just put the beans in the ground--hoping for the best. Either way, I will provide an update.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
