Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Watering Follow Up

As promised, here is a follow-up to the watering that I did not do yesterday.  I know I said I would get up early to water, but we all know certain things don't always go as planned.  Instead of getting up earlier, I overslept.  I eventually got there, but I was a few minutes late for work this morning.  The first two pictures were from my watering this morning.
Green cabbage, red onions, and golden beets.

Tomatoes, collard greens.  I'm excited because I'm starting to see some germination amongst all three.

The next several pics were taken during my lunch hour.  As mentioned, in last post, I was going to water at that time, and yes, my whole lunch hour was taken up for this task.  There are two wells at the garden sight, and the one near me is constantly breaking.  I did, however, have water in jugs from this morning--which I used for the watering task at lunch. THEN, I had to go to the other well and get more water.  The well near me, I could easily walk there.  The other one...not so much.  We're talking 8 acres of land on a slight hill.  It would've taken me my entire lunch hour to walk there and back!  So, in efforts to save time...I drove over.  The things I would do for water.  The meteorologist says that it should rain tomorrow.  Let's all pray so!  Any-who, here is my progress from lunch...

Parsley, oregano, and sage.  Sadly, one of the oregano plants is done.  That's okay. I have three more. That should provide an ample amount of this yummy herb!

Swiss chard.  I'm SOOO glad that it pulled through.  When I checked it on Friday--shortly before going out of town, they were looking really sad.





Green beans--for its second watering in two days.

Red Russian and White Russian Kale.  I'm starting to see some germination.  So excited.

I'm happy thus far.  Now, I have to get my other plot established and plant my summer crops.  I have more tomatoes and peppers to plant--along with squash, corn, sweet potatoes, and melons.  So, until then...think thrifty!


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